Saturday, April 27, 2019

African expansion for world’s largest mobile advertising platform

Opera Completes Acquisition of AdColony

Press Release, December 12 2016

Press release, October 29, 2015

Press release, November 03, 2015

Press release, March 03, 2016

Press release, October 07, 2015

JetBlue Voice Ad

APAC SMA 2015 – Q3


Unwrapping Mobile Shopping Habits (2016 Holiday Edition) [Infographic]

Opera Deal Update

March mobile madness

Opera Mediaworks continues to expand global footprint, acquires apprupt to better serve German market

Monday, April 22, 2019

Mobile Shopping Hits the Mainstream in Europe [Infographic]

Mobile First Insights – Global – 2016 Q2

Targeting & Optimization

Innovation Lab


Global creative

Ad Serving and Mediation

Africa – The State of Mobile Advertising

Advertising Services Privacy Policy


Saturday, April 6, 2019

State of Mobile Advertising, Q3 – 2014

State of Mobile Advertising, Phablet

Mobile is #1 for travel research and booking [Infographic]

Health Fitness

Mobile apps capture consumer attention 37 minutes a day – up 20% from the beginning of 2016

The State of Mobile Advertising, Q1 2014

The State of Mobile Advertising, Q4 2014

The State of Mobile Advertising, Q2 2013